Self Service Suite Self Service Xperience
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CSX Store
Self Service Transformation $500.00 One Time Implementation Cost $29.95/Month Per Subscription
Secure Payment With the CSX Secure Payment Monthly Subscription, Automate bill payment through Self-Service Xperience to reduce administration cost, while increasing ROI. CSX is a 24/7 solution, facilitating payment when it is most convenience for your customer.
Customer Callers Any Payment Gateway
Password Reset With 24/7 access, the CSX Password Reset Monthly Subscription will allow your business to the Automate Password Reset process, facilitating the business ability to achieve HIPPA and SOX Compliance.
Employee Callers Active Directory Domains
Automated Schdeduler With 24/7 access, the CSX Automated Scheduler Monthly Subscription will allow your business to Automate Scheduling by allowing customers to book an appointment on their own. Thus, reducing administrative cost in your business.
Customer Callers Calendar Integration
Self Service Suite Self Service Xperience
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Self Service Transformation
SECURE PAYMENT PASSWORD RESET AUTOMATED SCHEDULER $500.00 One Time Implementation Cost $29.95/Month Per Subscription
Secure Payment With the CSX Secure Payment Monthly Subscription, Automate bill payment through Self-Service Xperience to reduce administration cost, while increasing ROI. CSX is a 24/7 solution, facilitating payment when it is most convenience for your customer.
Customer Callers Any Payment Gateway
Password Reset With 24/7 access, the CSX Password Reset Monthly Subscription will allow your business to the Automate Password Reset process, facilitating the business ability to achieve HIPPA and SOX Compliance.
Employee Callers Active Directory Domains
Automated Schdeduler With 24/7 access, the CSX Automated Scheduler Monthly Subscription will allow your business to Automate Scheduling by allowing customers to book an appointment on their own. Thus, reducing administrative cost in your business.
Customer Callers Calendar Integration
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